Pre-Order Club
What is pre-order club?
Pre-Order Club is a mailing list we will use to give you exclusive deals on baits when you pre-order. We will notify you 3 business days before we place an order. You can then place your order either by phone or email. You may also special order baits we do not keep in stock, but additional restrictions will apply. We will send you an invoice and you will be able to pay online.
Are there restrictions to the pre-order club?
Some restrictions include, but are not limited to:
1. Pre-Orders must be placed within 3 business days from the email notification.
2. We will need to receive the payment within 3 business days from the email notification.
3. There is a $50 minimum on pre-orders, free shipping will be included.
4. Payments will be accepted via credit card over the phone or we can send you an invoice and you can pay online. We will contact you to confirm your order.
5. Special-orders are possible for baits we do not keep in-stock, but may require additional restrictions (ex: Gary Yamamoto requires us to purchase a minimum of 6 packs of a bait at once.)
How do I sign up for pre-order club?
It is easy! Just fill out the form below. We just need some basic contact information, and which baits you would be interested in pre-ordering.
How long will it take to receive my pre-order?
This varies depending on the brand of bait. Once we notify you by email it will take 1-3 weeks until you will receive the bait in the mail.
How much is the discount?
So much we cant list it here. You will have to sign-up to find out.